A payments revolution is changing the way people get paid.
Nuapay is a holistic end to end cloud-based payment service that enables clients to simply and effortlessly make batch instant payroll payments from their dedicated Nuapay account using several payment schemes including UK Faster payment (FPS) and SEPA Payments, (SEPA Instant - coming soon).
Better Payroll
Proprietary open banking technology that upgrades payroll payment capabilities and improves operational payroll processes for all involved.
- Multiple payment solutions to suit any situation.
- A fast, efficient streamlined payroll payments process to avoid unwieldy tasks, remove manual, error-prone steps and reduce reconciliation effort and time.
- Your clients can pay their employees in just minutes, 24/7, 365 days a year.
- Receive automated, immediate notification of payroll issues.
- Ability to authenticate employee’s bank account using open banking.
Multiple integration options
Standard batch file processing
We provide you with a standard BACS Commercial Bureau Service allowing payment instructions to be exchanged seamlessly via BACS Direct Credit files or SEPA Credit transfer files. This allows your employees to receive payment 3 days following submission to BACS, where SEPA payments are received the next working day.
Faster Payroll Payments (Faster Bulk Payments)
Ability to process bulk payments on the UK Faster Payments scheme from a pre-funded Nuapay account embedded into the HRCM portal, providing seamless UX. Employees will receive payment within 2-3 seconds.
Adhoc/shift wage payments
Initiate wage payments directly from a pre-funded Nuapay account embedded into the secure portal using payments initiated by Open Banking. Improves automation, reducing manual processes and keying payroll individually. Payment is received instantly.

Learn how partnering with Nuapay will reduce your admin time and your operational costs

Lead your insurance business in a changing world! Partner with Nuapay.
Customers are increasingly taking advantage of emerging technologies, opting to use real time Account-2-Account payments that are particularly suited to pay-as-you-go billing. For Nuapay users, these are faster, cheaper and more secure than any other payment method. Meaning you’ll never miss out on the benefits.